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Sleeping Cars


GN (CB&Q) 1269 'Poplar River'


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Location:             National Railroad Museum - Green Bay, WI


Type:                    4 Sections-7 Duplex Roomettes-3 Double Bedrooms-

                               1 Compartment Sleeping Car


Series:                 1260-1274 & SP&S 702


Built:                     Between 11/1950 and 12/1950


Picture taken:    1999(?) by Anselmo Agostinho


Remarks:            GN 1269 was sold to CB&Q in 1953 together with

                              sisters 1266 and 1273 as part of one complete set of 14

                              cars for the Empire Builder. This sale was based upon

                              a mileage adjustment between GN, CB&Q and SP&S.

                              GN 1269 is currently lettered for CB&Q.